Speech Therapy

Speech therapy focuses on exercising the face, mouth, and throat muscles to improve the ability to swallow and speak.

Seniors living with conditions such as dementia, stroke and Parkinson's Disease may find it difficult to speak or swallow, thereby putting them at risk of choking, or being unable to communicate their needs.

Our professional speech therapists can help your loved one work toward a better quality of life. With a focus on exercising the face, mouth, and throat muscles, your loved one can improve swallowing, speak with greater clarity and understand others better.

Speech therapy or speech pathology can also cover conditions such as aphasia, apraxia and dysphagia.

  • Our speech therapists perform assessments to evaluate the scope of communication and swallowing disorders resulting from conditions such as Dementia, Stroke, Parkinson's disease, brain injury, spinal cord injury, head and neck cancers.

    Following the assessment, a personalised care plan which may include therapeutic exercises will be developed to support the unique needs of each client.

  • During the initial visit, you can expect the following:


    Our speech therapists will request information, including medical history, current concerns, and other relevant details from caregivers. The therapist will then conduct an examination to assess clients' speech, language, oromotor, and swallowing and speaking ability. Based on the assessment, our speech therapists will offer initial recommendations including exercises and caregiver training where relevant.

    Review and Discussion:

    At the end of the session, our speech therapist will initiate a conversation with the client and caregiver on the planned therapy. This includes discussing established goals and the recommended frequency of therapy sessions.


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