Published on 26 Feb 2021
Heard some rumours about childhood immunisations and vaccinations? It’s time to clear the air on these common misconceptions, because immunisations are important for protecting your child from potentially fatal diseases.
1. “Vaccines cause many harmful side effects and even death. They should therefore be avoided.”
Vaccines are actually very safe. Most adverse effects are minor and temporary, such as soreness in the injection site and mild fever. Serious adverse effects are rare. The risks and harm of not getting vaccinated (and therefore catching the disease) far outweigh the risks of adverse effects.
In fact, childhood immunisation provides protection against various diseases which can lead to lifelong complications and can occasionally be fatal. In Singapore, immunisations for diphtheria and measles are compulsory by law.
2. “Vaccine-preventable diseases have been virtually eliminated from Singapore; hence there is no need for vaccinations.”
While it is true that vaccination has reduced many vaccine-preventable diseases to low levels in Singapore, these diseases may be still common in other parts of the world. Travellers coming into Singapore may bring in these diseases or we may contract them when we travel abroad.
These diseases could easily spread and cause widespread infection and harm in Singapore if the population is not vaccinated. Vaccination thus protects us and our loved ones from contracting and spreading the disease to others.
3. “Vaccination is not necessary, as most diseases have been eradicated by better hygiene and sanitation.”
It is true that better living conditions improve hygiene standards and reduce the risk of passing on diseases. However, individuals are still vulnerable to diseases if they are not vaccinated. Vaccination is still the most effective way of disease prevention.
4. “Taking more than one vaccine at a time can increase the risk of harmful side effects and can overload the immune system.”
Studies have shown that giving more than one vaccine at a time is just as effective and does not increase the risk of harmful side effects. In fact, giving several vaccinations at a time may be practically advantageous as it provides early protection to multiple diseases at the same time, and also reduces the number of visits to the doctor for vaccinations.
These considerations are especially important for gaining broad protection early, while at the same time, saving time and money due to reduced visits. It may also be less traumatic for the child as the number of injections are reduced with combination vaccines (i.e. 5 in 1, 6 in 1 combination vaccines).
5. “The majority of people who get diseases have been vaccinated, so it is pointless to get a vaccination.”
Vaccines are highly effective, but they do not guarantee 100% results. 85% to 95% of people who are vaccinated develop immunity, but a small number (5 to 15%) do not. These people are still at risk of catching the disease even after vaccination. However, it should be recognised that being unvaccinated will leave an almost 100% chance of catching the disease.
What You Should Know
The National Immunisation Registry ensures that all children have their vaccinations at the appropriate time. It begins with Hepatitis and BCG vaccination at birth followed by vaccination for diphtheria, polio, tetanus, Haemophilus influenza, pneumococcal, measles, mumps and rubella based on the immunisation schedule.
Some optional vaccines you may consider for your children are:
Content contributed by Dr June Tan & Dr James Cheong from NTUC Health Family Medicine Clinic.
The National Immunisation Registry ensures that all children have their vaccinations at the appropriate time. It begins with Hepatitis and BCG vaccination at birth followed by vaccination for diphtheria, polio, tetanus, Haemophilus influenza, pneumococcal, measles, mumps and rubella based on the immunisation schedule.
Learn more here about how your child can get vaccinated at home.
Find out more about vaccinations and see a doctor at our Family Medicine Clinic by calling 6281 2638.