Published on 26 Jul 2023
Priscilla was enrolled as a medical student and had siblings, uncles and aunts who are doctors. She now pursues a nursing career because she was unable to provide her grandfather with quality time and to enable him to enjoy a meaningful and comfortable end-of-life.
Priscilla’s grandfather had a medical history of diabetes, hypertension and heart problems. He fell gravely ill in 1999. After battling severe depression and multiple complications including pressure injury and pneumonia, he eventually succumbed to sepsis, an infection that came about due to the pressure injury wound.
With a strong belief that better care could have prevented these complications and the immense pain suffered at end-of-life, Priscilla embarked on her nursing journey in the same year.
Before joining NTUC Health as a Nurse Manager in Residential Care in 2017, Priscilla was a staff nurse and clinical instructor with National University Hospital. Priscilla transitioned from an acute clinical setting to a community care setting, where she also held nursing and eldercare related roles in China for six years.
Priscilla’s dedication to continuous growth and learning was recognised through the Community Care Manpower Development Awards (CCMDA) offered by the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC). In 2020, Priscilla was one of five employees in NTUC Health who received the CCMDA.
“The programme empowered me with the relevant skills and thought processes to design policies, develop leadership skills, innovate and enhance care services for an ageing population.”
As Assistant Director of Nursing in NTUC Health, Priscilla now coordinates and oversees nursing care across all our six nursing homes. She helps staff with managing challenging cases, discusses their training needs with them, and guides them in identifying the needs of the residents.
Namaste care, which we have at all our nursing homes, was initiated by Priscilla. It involves giving our residents a hand massage while soft and relaxing music is played, to provide them with a multi-sensory experience. It aims to enhance the quality of life of residents with Dementia or those with end-stage illnesses.
For nurses who are seeking career progression, Priscilla suggests applying for MOH Holdings' Community Nursing Scholarship to explore diverse nursing pathways. These pathways include Nursing Management (e.g., Nurse Manager), Clinical (e.g., Nurse Clinician) and Education (e.g., Nurse Educator). She recommends pursuing advanced diplomas, degrees, and leadership development to progress into higher roles.
Applying for the CCMDA is also an attractive option. The award not only supported Priscilla with 90% funding to pursue a Master of Science in Applied Gerontology but also enabled her to upskill and further refine her perspectives on how she can continue to contribute to the Community Care sector.
To read more about Priscilla’s journey, check out AIC’s BrightSparks July 2023 issue here.
Our employees come from diverse backgrounds, bringing with them unique strengths and insights. We offer roles to suit all levels of experience and qualifications, from clinical to non-clinical roles. Find out more here.